Tuesday, September 18, 2012


As many of you know I've been shooting more weddings over the past year and I have been SO fortunate to be so busy with them. I have found the ideal situation for me to balance my family life and my love of photography. Unfortunately, this
 means that I am "retiring" from taking children and family portraits. I am so thankful to all of you that have supported me and I have loved watching your beautiful children grow through the years.
I have three amazing women to recommend to you when you are looking to have your families photographed. (I believe each one of them is doing fall/holiday sessions of some sort)
Their facebook pages are:
Makenna Brooke Photography
Ashley Reed Photography
Alexis Helene Photography & Design

If you are interested in following what I am up to with the weedings you can fingd my work at:www.kristentaylorphotography.com


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween Canned Food Drive this Sunday

Sessions held at 343 North Rogers St. Northville, MI

Holiday Photos!

Sessions are held at 343 North Rogers St., Northville, MI
*sessions are scheduled every 15 minutes and you receive approximately 3-5 images to choose from.