Tuesday, September 18, 2012


As many of you know I've been shooting more weddings over the past year and I have been SO fortunate to be so busy with them. I have found the ideal situation for me to balance my family life and my love of photography. Unfortunately, this
 means that I am "retiring" from taking children and family portraits. I am so thankful to all of you that have supported me and I have loved watching your beautiful children grow through the years.
I have three amazing women to recommend to you when you are looking to have your families photographed. (I believe each one of them is doing fall/holiday sessions of some sort)
Their facebook pages are:
Makenna Brooke Photography
Ashley Reed Photography
Alexis Helene Photography & Design

If you are interested in following what I am up to with the weedings you can fingd my work at:www.kristentaylorphotography.com


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